Vankkiele replied

295 weeks ago

X-Men 2 Full Movie 720p Download > DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

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Already living in a society that mistrusts them, the mutants are faced with even more discrimination after an unforeseen enemy - who may be a mutant with extraordinary powers - launches a devastating attack. The news of the assault causes a public outcry against the mutants, including renewed support for the Mutant Registration Act, and William Stryker, a military leader rumored to have experimented on mutants (possibly including Wolverine), is among the most vocal supporters of the legislation. Stryker puts into motion a plan to eradicate the mutants and begins an offensive on the X-Men mansion and school. Magneto, having escaped from his plastic prison, forms an unlikely alliance with Professor Xavier to stop Stryker. Meanwhile, Wolverine heads north to investigate his past.
Having returned from the north after finding nothing, Wolverine/Logan watches over the school students for a night as Charles Xavier visits Magneto in his plastic confinement prison and Storm and Jean Grey search for a teleporter mutant known as Nightcrawler who attempted to assassinate the president. Things become deadly as William Stryker, a scientist who has experimented on mutants, leads a siege on Xavier's mansion- few mutants escape. With the school no longer safe, Magneto out of prison and forming a temporary alliance with the X-Men, and Professor Xavier in the hands of Stryker; the mutants team up to stop Stryker's plans to wipe the mutants off the face of the Earth.
And the first was a pretty good film.<br/><br/>They dropped most of the falling flat one-liners… Storm&#39;s job is to look hot and control the weather, not give bad Bond-esquire one liners.<br/><br/>It&#39;s obvious that the success of Blade as a cult hit prompted Marvel to really take a look at their stable and make good flicks out of them. They aren&#39;t always… but they seem to take a particular interest in X-Men and Spiderman, ensuring that they&#39;ve got solid talent in front of and behind the camera.<br/><br/>Heck, this movie was nearly shelved with all of the re-writes (usually spells disaster)… but it seems that they are taking the craft seriously.<br/><br/>This one is darker in tone and there is an actual body count… plus teen sexual frustration… adult sexual frustration… and really starts to delve further into the racism/ prejudicial overtones of more the populous reaction to Mutants, including family members.<br/><br/>I was a huge fan of the comic books as a kid, and I&#39;m not disappointed by these movies.
The story is all over the place. It has a lot of stuff happening but most of it is pointless. Characters are not really developed yet they try to romance each other. That looks awkward as hell. <br/><br/>The movie also carries and multiplies all the negative experience of the original one. Surely it wasn&#39;t a misfire but it doesn&#39;t deserve much of a praise.
An engaging spectacle of energy and special effects built around a doomy mood and an ensemble cast vigorously pursuing a story line that isn't nearly as snazzy as the dressing.
Mutation…it is the key to our evolution. It is how we have evolved from a single-celled organism into the dominant species on the planet. This process is slow, normally taking thousands and thousands of years. But every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward.
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