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Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez's homage to exploitation double features in the 60s and 70s with two back-to-back cult films that include previews of coming attractions between them.
A double-bill of thrillers that recall both filmmakers' favorite exploitation films. "Grindhouse" (a downtown movie theater in disrepair since its glory days as a movie palace known for "grinding out" non-stop double-bill programs of B-movies) is presented as one full-length feature comprised of two individual films helmed separately by each director. "Death Proof," is a rip-roaring slasher flick where the killer pursues his victims with a car rather than a knife, while "Planet Terror" shows us a view of the world in the midst of a zombie outbreak. The films are joined together by clever faux trailers that recall the '50s exploitation drive-in classics.
Grindhouse? What the hell does that mean? Is this even something I&#39;d enjoy? A typical moviegoer would say ask those questions. One who&#39;s typical night out includes seeing a high budgeted film in a theater with anti-sticky floors, nice leather seats, and viewing the cinematic experience in the finest audio and video presentation possible. Not to mention, one who&#39;s spending a mere ten bucks on a late outing with a soul film, that typically, doesn&#39;t deliver what it promises. Grindhouse is exactly the complete opposite of that. Grindhouse is typically defined as a double feature, in which two B-flick films (oh no, you won&#39;t find a DeCaprio here) play back to back, while trailers serve as the intermission. Not to mention that grindhouse experiences consisted of those annoying product placements and how heavily they emphasize on a restricted rating. As for people that know what a Grindhouse is and misses the experience they once had, well folks, here&#39;s your chance! Step right up and pay your ten bucks for two films, fake trailers, &quot;restriction&quot; cards, and a restaurant advertisement. Don&#39;t go in searching for the latest Hollywood actor, some fancy set pieces, or a clear picture and chances are, you&#39;ll probably have a fun time. <br/><br/>THE MOVIES ____________<br/><br/>Planet Terror: ***1/2 out of (****) or 8/10. Basically, this film has a copy-and-paste script since the plot is paper-thin and it involves the usual, &quot;virus breaks out and people get infected&quot; concept. However, that&#39;s what makes this film more overall effective. Planet Terror is the first film to be featured in the double-bill and rightfully so. The performances are top- notch, the pacing is brisk, the body count is plentiful, and it&#39;s just boatloads of fun. How can you go wrong with a Fergie cameo, a Quentin Tarantino cameo, Robert Rodriguez in the director&#39;s chair, severed balls, a go-go dancer with a machine gun for a leg, and her Mexican companion? Planet Terror is the finest B-flick I&#39;ve seen because Rodriguez proves to us that even though your film is intentionally bad, that doesn&#39;t mean it has to have weak dialog or characters. It can have great characters, some funny one-liners, and a brisk pace added to the mix. Highly recommended.<br/><br/>Death Proof: ***1/2 out of (****) or 8/10. Okay, I know many will beg to differ with me putting both movies on par with each other, but let me ask you this. How is it fair to say one film is better than the other when both films are in two entirely different ballparks? If you want a break-neck pace, a &quot;get-to-the-point&quot; direction, and hardcore thrills, see &quot;Planet Terror&quot;. However, if you ask for a little more character development and a rather smoother pace, seek out &quot;Death Proof&quot;. Honestly, this film is underrated. I mean, yes, there is a lot of redundant dialog, but I was entertained and that twenty minute car crash sequence even made me like this movie more. I can&#39;t really say I liked one film over the other. Both set out to do what they wanted and succeeded greatly.<br/><br/>THE FAKE TRAILERS ___________________<br/><br/>Machete: *** out of (****) or 7/10. You&#39;ve just *beeped* with the wrong Mexican! That&#39;s just one out of many cheesy moments. From a badass Mexican to a three-way pool scene to a priest with guns, this will quench the thirsts of avid B-flick fans. While I liked the faux trailer, it loses a star (or three) because it didn&#39;t keep my interest as the others did, but it was still good.<br/><br/>Werewolf Woman Of the S.S.: **** out of (****) or 10/10. No lie, I absolutely loved this trailer. I mean it truly showcases how such of a douchebag Hitler was, a nice campy tone, and a Chinese Nicholas Cage. Can this get any better? Apparently so since I gave it a terrific rating.<br/><br/>Don&#39;t: **** out of (****) or 10/10. This trailer or Thanksgiving was my favorite, even though I love Werewolf Woman Of the S.S. I&#39;ve always been a sucker for haunted house films and slashers and when I found out &quot;Don&#39;t&quot; was a mixture of those, I jumped with joy. Seriously, Edgar Wright is a genius. If this becomes a movie, I&#39;m seeing it.<br/><br/>Thanksgiving: **** out of (****) or 10/10. By the next sentence, you&#39;re either with this trailer or not. A knife to the vagina, A swallowing woman who&#39;s boyfriend&#39;s head is later decapitated, a turkey stuffed with dead bodies, a man humping a dead body filled with turkey, and a dead poor Grannie. Thanksgiving is a wet dream for B-flick lovers. The picture, the voice-over, the money shots. It&#39;s all there. <br/><br/>OVERALL EXPERIENCE _____________________<br/><br/>Grindhouse: ***1/2 out of (****)<br/><br/>Overall, Grindhouse is one hell of an outing. Two nearly perfect films, flawless fake trailers, and corny product placement make this a solid recommendation. If you are wondering folks, I saw the WHOLE thing. From the opening &quot;Machete&quot; fake trailer to the credits of &quot;Death Proof&quot;, I have seen Grindhouse in its fullest. This could not have happened if the sweetie pies over at Vivendi Entertainment didn&#39;t release their Grindhouse Blu-ray. Rodriguez and Tarantino, please, please, make another Grindhouse flick!!
If there was a contest about &quot;who&#39;s gonna make the worst, not funny, bloody, stupid and full of bullshit movie&quot; this movie and it&#39;s director could get a change, but no more than this.<br/><br/>It&#39;s not funny, it&#39;s disgusting, it&#39;s stupid.<br/><br/>If you say &quot;hey man that&#39;s the point&quot;, then, go to toilet and look at sh.. for one and half and hour. Write some critic about it, but sorry man I won&#39;t be here reading it.<br/><br/>You see the movie had effect even on MEEE!!! Böö..<br/><br/>It&#39;s pity that they&#39;ve used meters of film, spent so much money on this.
Grindhouse raises the bar for a certain kind of movie lollapalooza (and also for the kind of filmmaker who is also a showman, along the lines of a William Castle or Cecil B. De Mille). It's this injection of playfulness and fun and attention to the entire movie-going gestalt that will probably become Grindhouse's lasting contribution to movie history rather than any on-the-screen content of the movie itself.
A &quot;Grindhouse&quot; was a type of inner city theatre that would play all night marathons of low-budget exploitation films in the 1960s, &#39;70s and early &#39;80s. These down &#39;n&#39; dirty theatres would often show offbeat ultraviolent and sexually charged films under the categories of Kung Fu (Shaw Brothers films), Hixploitation (White Lightning, Gator Bait), Blaxploitation (Shaft, Coffy, Superfly, Dolemite, The Mack), Sexploitation (Supervixens, The Swinging Cheerleaders), Zombie and Cannibal films (Dawn of the Dead, Zombi 2, Cannibal Holocaust), Biker films (The Wild Angels, The Glory Stompers, The Savage Seven, The Losers) among hundreds of other subgenres. In the suburbs during the 1960s and &#39;70s, Drive-ins were the equivalent to the inner city Grindhouses. You could see many of the same kinds of films from the convenience of your car. The title of Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino&#39;s first collaboration From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) was named after the catch phrase for the all night Drive-in movie marathons. Both Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino grew up watching these kinds of films in Grindhouse theatres and drive-ins in the 1970s and early 1980s. When they became friends in the early 1990s they often held Exploitation film double features in their own home theaters (and also at QT&#39;s Film Fests in Austin, Texas). Flash forward to 2006, the two moviemaking pals decided to recreate these wild nights for movie audiences around the world by making their own traditional Grindhouse-Drive-In double feature extravaganza complete with two raunchy horror films, fake exploitation film trailers, ads and other cool treats. First: Robert Rodriguez brings us &quot;Planet Terror&quot; in which a town is overrun by disease infected sickos. Then comes Quentin Tarantino&#39;s &quot;Death Proof&quot;, in which a serial killer named Stuntman Mike murders people by the use of his stuntcar instead of a knife or machete. &quot;Robert&#39;s film is Horror, it couldn&#39;t happen, but mine is Terror because it could.&quot;–Quentin Tarantino Before or in between the movies, there will be a series of fake movie trailers (as it was customary in old grindhouse theatres to show coming attractions in the double features). Robert Rodriguez presents a Mexploitation trailer starring the hard boiled actor Danny Trejo in the title role of &quot;Machete&quot;. Edgar Wright (director of Shaun of the Dead) presents &quot;Don&#39;t&quot;, a &quot;70s style British horror film&quot;. Rob Zombie presents a Nazisploitation-sci-fi-horror flick &quot;Werewolf Women of the S.S.&quot;, starring Sherri Moon Zombie, Sybill Danning, Udo Kier, Bill Mosely and Nicolas Cage as the legendary Asian mastermind Dr. Fu Manchu. Eli Roth&#39;s (Hostel) fake trailer is an ultraviolent homage to 1970s/&#39;80s holiday themed slasher films called &quot;Thanksgiving&quot;. An additional fake trailer called &quot;Hobo with a Shotgun&quot;, created by Dartmouth, Nova Scotia filmmakers Jason Eisener, Rob Cotterill, and John Davies for Robert Rodriguez&#39;s SXSW Grindhouse Trailers contest, has been included in Canadian theaters. &quot;Hobo with a Shotgun&quot; is attached to the other regular trailers played before the main feature presentation which begins with &quot;Machete&quot;. (1) Jason Eisener&#39;s, Rob Cotterill&#39;s and John Davies&#39; &quot;Hobo with a Shotgun&quot; trailer [Canada only?], (2) Robert Rodriguez&#39;s &quot;Machete&quot; trailer, (3) Robert Rodriguez&#39;s &quot;Planet Terror&quot;, (4) Rob Zombie&#39;s &quot;Werewolf Women of the SS&quot; trailer, (5) Edgar Wright&#39;s &quot;Don&#39;t&quot; trailer, (6) Eli Roth&#39;s &quot;Thanksgiving&quot; trailer, and (7) Quentin Tarantino&#39;s &quot;Death Proof&quot;. Contrary to popular rumor, the missing reels idea in &quot;Death Proof&quot; and &quot;Planet Terror&quot; were not true staples of Grindhouse moviegoing. While many Grindhouse films would be missing frames, they were never missing entire 20-30-minute reels. The concept for this came from a film Quentin owns (&quot;The Sell Out&quot; starring Oliver Reed) which had a missing reel. He found he enjoyed watching the film with a chunk of the film&#39;s plot missing because it created an interesting mystery about what actually happened in that part of the film. This idea was then transferred to the two Grindhouse features. It also helped cut down the runtime for the movie&#39;s theatrical run. There was some controversy in the distribution overseas for Grindhouse. Because most non-English speaking territories might not understand the tradition behind a double feature, the underlying concept might be lost. There were decisions being made as to which countries will get Grindhouse, and which will get &quot;Grindhouse: Planet Terror&quot; and &quot;Grindhouse: Death Proof&quot; After the Boxoffice flop in the North America, Weinstein decided to split up the movie in all other countries, including earlier announced double feature countries like the UK and Australia. Although some people have criticized, sometimes harshly, the look of the film because of its manual &quot;aging&quot; process, it is actually a good thing. First of all, they helped in the rating procedure of the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). There had been a concern about the nudity and violence during one of the deaths in Roth&#39;s segment &quot;Thanksgiving&quot;. Before the final submission to the MPAA, &quot;age&quot; spots were strategically placed on the area of frame where it showed the nudity and violence, where it suddenly became implied instead of being visual. Secondly, it keeps with the presentation as Tarantino and Rodriguez intended the film to look like, as if you got a well worn print of a film that had been making the distribution rounds for a good while and decided to show it one day. Since the theatrical version of the film is what they strived for to presented to the public, it would be considered their &quot;director&#39;s cut&quot;. The DVDs will have two versions of each film: the theatrical version and a &quot;restored and remastered&quot; version of the film which is basically the films before undergoing the &quot;aging&quot; process. Also, take into account there are versions of both films pushing 2 hours, due to the fact they are being split up in other countries. So, the DVD may incorporate these versions as well, making a 250-minute version. Only 18 seconds is supposedly deleted from the original cut from an interview on G4TV.
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